
Worship at Central Baptist Church is held each Sunday at 10 am in our worship commons, a welcoming space with beautiful stained glass and comfortable pews. You can expect to expand your understanding of scripture, hear and sing great music, join in prayer for one another, and be invited and challenged to live out God’s call of justice and compassion.


A typical service at CBC is 60 to 75 minutes. Our services are structured but do not follow a set liturgy, and we sometimes depart from our usual format for special events or just to try something different. Paper bulletins outline the order of worship.


Unlike many churches, CBC typically does not follow the lectionary, meaning we aren’t limited to specific passages of scripture on any given Sunday. Our sermons often offer new ways of understanding and applying scripture, with a focus on living out our faith. The sermon is usually given by one of the pastors, and there are also opportunities throughout the year to hear from congregants and guest speakers.


Our services feature a variety of music, much of which is sung congregationally, and there are plenty of opportunities for singers and instrumentalists to get involved through the choir, band, and special offerings of music. For more information and a selection of videos, see our music page.

Concerns and Celebrations

CBC is a community that cares for each other. During services, we invite people to share the joys and concerns of their lives so that we may hold one another in prayer.


On the first Sunday of each month, CBC offers open communion, meaning everyone is invited to participate in communion if they feel led.